However, U.S. officials would be wise to turn them back. Up until fairly recently, immigration was restricted to those who were highly skilled in their particular trades. This created a highly skilled workforce and as a result the U.S. economy flourished as businesses had more than enough talent to grow effectively.
That changes with the passage of the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act, which allowed specifically easier entry for: "unmarried adult sons and daughters of citizens, and spouses and unmarried sons and daughters of permanent residents." Beginning with this, (especially in the South-West) immigration stopped being a merit-based reward, and started being viewed as a right by non-citizens.
Note the language in the wording above: "permanent residents." These aren't even citizens. They have simply been granted permanent resident status, and use that to bring their entire family over. "What is wrong with that?" you may ask. Quite simply this: If they are not willing to become U.S. citizens, and contribute to our society in a positive manner, then they should not be here. Period!
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
- Theodore Roosevelt, Jan. 3, 1919
Roosevelt's fear was of the nation being "brought to ruins" by a "tangle of squabbling nationalities."
"It is our boast that we admit the immigrant to full fellowship and equality with the native-born. In return we demand that he shall share our undivided allegiance to the one flag which floats over all of us."- Theodore Roosevelt, 1917
With this came the assumption that they would naturally learn English. After all, would you move to France without learning French? Or Spain without learning Spanish? Or Germany without learning German? Let alone if you were to become a citizen!
"Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or to leave the country," he said in a statement to the Kansas City Star in 1918. "English should be the only language taught or used in the public schools."
- Theodore Roosevelt, Kansas City Star, 1918
To get the facts on Illegal Immigration and the burden that it poses to the country and you the citizen, I would suggest going here: Further, I would suggest reading Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny. It will make you very angry. The bottom line: Illegal Aliens commit A LOT of crime. Those Illegals in prison have been arrested an average of 8 times, for 13 crimes and been convicted 5 previous times EACH!
And here's the kicker: Those that have been arrested for re-entry make up 90% were previously arrested and OF THOSE, 50% were arrested for violent or drug related felonies. (Then there's the sex crime numbers...oh yes. Those will make you very angry.
The last bit here, arrested for "re-entry"... These people should not have been allowed BACK in the country. The government wasn't doing its job in protecting the borders as it was, it's citizens were victimized by these people and are now forced to PAY for their incarceration. That is the ultimate slap in the face. when they are finally released, they will be deported and what do you think they will do? Come right back across the border. Why? Because they've already done it a couple of times. (Yes, this would be that part where you pick up the phone and tell your Congressman that you want leathal force used to protect the border because it's a matter of national security - just like military base security - For you lefties out there, go ahead... try and sneak onto a US military base... see what happens)
Ultimately, the character of a person that would sneak into a country rather than to enter it legally, is not the type of character we want in our country. They are not of upright moral character, nor do they appreciate and respect something enough to go about it the correct way. That is a person we can do without.
Now, to bring this back to Haiti... Not only do we have enough trouble here domestically, but we do not need to add to it by taking in refugees that are not willing to fix their own country. We already provide Billions in aid each year around the world.
Haiti has had up to $1.4Billion in outstanding international debt. Further, Venezuela and Cuba are spending $1Billion to develop energy and infrastructure in Haiti. The debt per capita is only $169 US (whereas in the US it is $40,000 US - yes, you read that correctly, each person has a per capita national debt of $40,000. That should make you angry)
What we DON'T need at this point in time is more Haitian's coming here. Yes things are very difficult over there, but you don't run away from problems. You stay and face them head on. There is a massive relief effort going on to help them. (Let's be real, if they aren't willing to stay and help fix their OWN country, do we really want them here?! How will that be any different than the millions of non-contributors already here that leach off of the system and provide nothing in return - except for law enforvement job-security of course!)
Here's the bottom line: These people have nothing to offer the U.S. We are already helping them both through $100M (at a time when we are in a severe economic crunch) and through millions more in private donations - which I encourage you to make to a reputable aid organization. If they do not have the work ethic to fix a country that they should be fiercely loyal to, since it's their homeland, what reason do we have to believe that they would be of benefit to the U.S. (especially since there is massive historical precedent that immigrants are only allowed in if they would BENEFIT the rest of the country - and rightfully so!)
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