Thursday, April 30, 2009

Guantanamo detainess may be released in the U.S.!!!!

(From March 19, 2009)

Yes, you read that correctly. A.G. Eric Holder said some Gitmo detainees may be released in the U.S. Now doesn't THAT just give you the warm fuzzies?

Meanwhile, he's trying to figure out how to go after people with bailout bonuses that were contractually obligated to them. So let me get this straight: Being paid for doing a job and honoring a contract makes you a bigger criminal than trying to kill U.S. trops in the war on terror?

Oh, let's not forget that he's attempting to tie mexican drug violence to sales of U.S. firearms. In ding so, he's trying to re-enact the so called "assault weapons" ban. (Pardon me but aren't all guns assault weapons? Further, aren't those assault weapons guaranteed by the Second Amendment? What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?)

Perhaps if he would do his job and allow the Border Patrol to shoot on sight, we wouldn't have this invasion of mexican drug cartels wreaking havoc in Houston, Phoenix and other cities in the U.S. Granted, I'm sure part of this is due to the problem with Mexico proclaiming that wherever a Mexican is, there is Mexico. National Security? What?

The point is that they have no reason to stay out. They know we won't do anything to keep them out, and if we throw them out, they can always come back. Oh, and now this - Eric Holder attempting to prevent citizens from being able to adequately defend themselves from violent gangs of organized criminals while refusing to (nor being obligated to under U.S. law) protect the citizens from them.

In other news, Obama is ending armed pilots on airlines.

I hope this little safety update has made you feel more secure in your homes. Remember, Big Brother is watching - so he can pick you up, turn you upside down and shake you till your change falls out, and then turn you over to the school yard bullies to do what they want with you.

Down with Obama and his administration of fools!

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