Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I'm apparently a "suspected domestic terrorist" in Missouri...

(From March 22, 2009)

Ok, so there is a new report out from the State of MO that says Libertarians, Constitutionalists and other 3rd party supporters are possible domestic terrorists. This included anyone with a Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, etc... bumper stickers. See below:

Or read the full report here:


Now for a list of "You May be a Domestic Terrorist If:"

(I feel like Jeff Foxworthy!)

1. You are a 3rd Party supporter - Libertarian, Constitiution, or Campaign for Liberty

2. Have bumper stickers referring to the above

3. Are involved in the Patriot movement

4. Don't like Obama

5. Are concerned about gun control restrictions on the 2nd Amendment

6. Are concerned about the possibility of a New World Order

7. Are concerned about NORTHCOM assigning Homeland Security duties to a standing military brigade in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act

8. Believe Banking and Media are controlled by the Jewish elite

9. Are against the Federal Reserve

10. Are against taxation

11. Are against the Amunition Accountability Act (serial numbers linked to purchasers) - Failed to Pass

12. Believe the U.S. might collapse due to economic or racial issues

13. Concerned about a possible Constitutional Conference where the 1st and 2nd Amendments may be altered or removed (32 states have called for one. 2 more necessary for it to be held)

14. Concerned about the possibility of a North American Union where the dollar is scrapped in favor of the "Amero"

15. Concerned about a NAFTA "Super Highway" runing from Mexico to Canada

16. Are against the idea of Obama's suggested Civilian Defense Force and its mandatory 3 mos. of training for all citizens between ages 18-25.

17. Have a fear of the government forcing RFID chip implantations to be able to monitor the locations of all citizens

18. Have a Christian identity

19. Believe Jews are offspring from Eve and Satan

20. Believe non-whites are "mud-people" created before Adam & Eve

21. Are against illegal-immigration

22. Are a White Nationalist

23. Believe that the government has gotten away from the intent of the Constitution

24. Militant anti-abortion

25. Tax-resistor

26. Play MILSIM games (yes, this includes airsoft and paintball)

27. Have gone to a marskmanship or survival skills class

28. Use short wave radios

29. Go to gun shows

30. Are part of a public group willing to aid the National Guard or Governor in the case of an emergency

31. Have done community service

32. Have lobbied the government against political corruption

33. Display bumper stickers or cartoons with anti-government slogans (i.e. Portraying the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforcement and "New World Order" in a derogatory manner)

34. Display bumper stickers re: racial, anti-illegal immigration or anti-abortion viewpoints

35. Displaying the "Don't Tread On Me" or "Live Free or Die" slogans or flags or identifying with such

36. Displaying the "9 Stripes" red & white Sons of Liberty Flag

37. Displaying the first Navy Jack (13 red & white stripes w/ the stretched out rattlesnake inscribed Don't Tread on Me)

38. Have ever read or seen: Zeitgeist, America: Freedom to Fascism or The Turner Diaries

Now, racist crazy stuff aside, I thought we had the freedom to whatever political and religious ideas we wanted. Isn't it funny how the "tolerant" side is anything but? I mean you can say anything you want as long as they agree with it. Interesting how that works out huh?

Now I don't know about you, but I don't consider myself a domestic terrorist. Further, if this is the case, then each and every one of our founding fathers were "Domestic Terrorists." I guess perhaps they want us to salute those "brave freedom fighters" shooting at our troops overseas.

What's wrong with supporting the Constitution and wanting our freedoms secured? We are SUPPOSED to stand up to the government trying to take our freedoms. The founding fathers warned us about it from the start.

The point is that this craziness has to stop. They are trying to define anyone that might oppose them as terrorists in an effort to completely eradicate our freedoms. The only problem is that our freedoms come from God, NOT from any government. The government that gives men freedom can also take it.

Eternal Vigilence is the Price of Liberty. Live free or die.

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