Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama no-show for National Day of Prayer (surprised? nah...)

So, Obama is a no-show for the National Day of Prayer.

Man, you would think that for a guy that swears up and down he's a Christian, he'd at least show up for the thing, right? I mean, talking to God can't be THAT big of an intrusion into his time, right? Then again, this is the same guy that swears up and down he never heard Rev. Wright say inflammatory racist remarks and then say he wouldn't repudiate the man.

Guess they informed him his teleprompter wouldn't work in the early morning prayer service or at the Catholic prayer breakfast the next day. You know what that means. A 15 minute speech turns into an hour and a half long painful ordeal. Maybe he should just pray for God to end his painful blight of stuttering and "um-ing." Then again, that would require recognizing that the is God, which this man of political expediency, might not find so politically expedient. Besides, didn't you hear? He won.

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