Thursday, May 7, 2009

DHS pulls "extremism dictionary"

Ok, so the Dept. of Homeland Security has pulled a dictionary containing terms for extremists.

Apparently the dictionary didn't go over so well after it was released. (Imagine that!)

Poor Roger Mackin, the guy they chose to be the scapegoat this time, has been replaced. I for one would like to see a little responsibility in leadership and see old Pop-Eye Napolitano replaced. She's brutally incompetent. (Just like everyone else in the Obama Administration. - Press Secretary Robert Gibbs anyone?)

But hey, while they are busy doling out names for any and everyone that supports a political agenda, let's create a few of our own.

"Socialist" - Anyone supporting Barack Obama and his governmental strongarming of corporations and the private sector in an attempt to bring everything in the private sector under his control

"Freedom Independance Extremism" - Anyone that supports freedom from independance resulting in the government controlling any and everything

"Ethical Independance Extremism" - Any politician that supports independance from ethical constraints as a daily guide in political activities and governmental contracting practices

"Freedom of Religion Independance Extremism" - Any group advocating independance from the freedom of religion as established in the 1st Amendment. Typically any political group opposing Christianity or any mention of God, etc... Also, any person or group advocating Islam as a legitmate non-violent religion, or a religion of peace. (yeah, that 1400 year history of violence is hard to sweep under the rug)

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