Despite the fact that an $8M radar project has been unstaffed for 5 years and thus spinning uselessly ( he just secured $800k in "stimulus" money to repave the alternate runway (even though the FAA rejected it, and then decided to "reconsider" it).
No, there are two more serious charges against Murtha. For which he would've been drug out in public and tarred and feathered (or worse) by our American forefathers who didn't take crap from their representatives.
1. His nephew has gained no-bid contracts from the Defense Dept.
"The Pentagon has paid $2 million to Murtech to provide "logistics and engineering" for tests of joint dismountable reconnaissance systems, emergency tools and kits that troops can use to evaluate the environment when a release of biological or chemical agents is suspected. Robert Murtha Jr. explained that the work involves Murtech employees moving equipment to Army test locations. "
"Jeff Curtis, an engineer who worked for Robert Murtha's company in 2001, contacted The Post to say that he and some co-workers did virtually no work on a project to make kits to test for biological agents. Curtis said he remains "furious" that taxpayer dollars were wasted.
"I was always thinking, 'Why is the government paying this company?' " said Curtis, 29, now doing engineering work in North Carolina. "If it's fair to have this kind of no-bid work, I'll start a company and do it for half as much. Because this company didn't do anything."
In e-mails obtained by The Post, Robert Murtha told a business partner in 2001 that there were conditions for "keeping funds flowing." Part of the federal work, he said, must be channeled to Johnstown, Pa., his uncle's hometown.
"This has been a requirement for what I do to get dollars through," Robert Murtha wrote in an e-mail to a senior company official with National Micrographic Services Imaging Inc. of Silver Spring, the lead contractor on a project to produce biological weapons test kits."
2. His nephew has brought up Murtha as a way to gain the upper hand in business dealings (i.e. bullying).
"Robert C. Murtha Jr. for years has made a sizable living working with companies which rely on Pentagon contracts over which his uncle, Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), holds considerable sway. "
"Newly obtained documents, however, show Robert Murtha mentioning his influential family connection as leverage in his business dealings and holding unusual power in his dealings with the military. The documents add to mounting questions about Rep. Murtha, whose use of federal earmarks to help favored defense companies and his relationship with a former lobbying firm are under scrutiny by federal investigators. The congressman has used his control over Pentagon funds to build a hub of defense-related industry in his congressional district and has also won generous campaign donations from the companies."
The bottom line is that these two snakes are responsible for stealing, yes - stealing, millions of dollars from the tax payers and they need to go. By hook or by crook, they need to go.
Oh yes, let's add one more little detail to Mr. John Murtha's indictment of corruption and sleaze.
3. One of his top aides threatened to have his opponent for the PA Congressional seat court-martialed for running. Oh yes, court-martialed.
"Bill Russell, an Iraq war veteran who served with the Army, told that Murtha's chief of staff, John Hugya, made the threat on two occasions -- first to his former commanding officer and then to his face in March. "
"It's a terrible, terrible threat to make," said Russell, a Republican who lost to the Democratic powerhouse in November but plans to challenge him again in 2010. Asked if Murtha is trying to bully him out of a rematch, Russell said: "It was a direct intent to intimidate."
Russell was on active duty for a three-month period -- from April to July -- of his campaign for Congress last year. But he said he did not campaign during that period, as Hugya was suggesting, and so did not violate military code that prohibits doing so.
"I'm very comfortable with the fact that I didn't do anything wrong and there's nothing to court martial me for if they try to do it," he said. But he said Murtha's reputation as a powerbroker on Capitol Hill puts him on edge.
"When you have a threat to be made so brazenly and openly ... you've got to take it seriously," he said.
Yes, let's just try and bully members of the military from running for office. Oh, i forgot, there's one more group of individuals that Murtha is a disgrace to: The US Marine Corps. Yes, the same Marine Corps whos men he accused of intentionally and willfully murdering Iraqi civilians in Haditha. Murtha was the first Vietnam Vet to be elected to Congress. It's a shame the Viet Cong didn't get one more. I can think of a few names that should be alive and free in this great country besides Murtha - for starters, theres a whole wall of them in D.C. go pick any of those names and they would better for and respect and honor this country more than that sleazebag scumball human refuse we currently have sitting in Congress.
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