ACORN nuts are being charged in voter fraud schemes in Nevada
and in Pennsylvania.
In Nevada:
"Scott Levenson, an ACORN spokesman, said the group cooperated in the investigation and that charging the organization is “frightfully absurd.”
“We’re a bit appalled at the political grandstanding on the part of the attorney general’s office,” he said."
Call me crazy, but I'd call registering the Dallas Cowboys and Disney characters as well as any homeless person on a park bench political grandstanding. Then again, I guess you cna do whatever you want when you work directly for the President - er... "the people." Sorry. Not sure how that slipped out.
If it were me, I'd like to see Mr. Levenson thrown in jail for the mere audacity to try and pretend that ACORN was in the right by setting up for massive voter fraud. Nice clothes Emperor.
The bottom line:
"That means almost 40,000 of the new voters registered by ACORN didn’t vote, and of those, almost 19,000 had information on file that didn’t match what was turned in on the forms. “That’s 48 percent of those forms that I believe are clearly fraudulent,” Lomax said." Wow, a 48 percent fraudulent rate. I mean, hey, at least they got it right 52 percent of the time. I mean, that's what... almost kind of sort of close to a D in school. Yeah, not really.
Just because they didn't vote doesn't mean the forms were fraudulent. Voter registration drives often interact in communities where the percentage of people voting is already very low... simply registering them does not ensure that they will head out to the polls.
ReplyDeleteAnd some of the people they register do not know their social security numbers or give false ones, which makes things even more difficult for people registering voters.
That being said, I agree, shame on the ACORN workers who took the easy way out and made up registration forms for Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys.