Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some interesting facts about the "Swine Flu"...

(From April 29, 2009)

Does anybody really believe the "Swine Flu" is an accident or at the very least, "naturally occuring?" After reading this, you might not.


Interesting fact number 1:

The Air Force published a 1996 memo saying that a worldwide flu epidemic would kill 30 Million people by 2009.

Interesting fact number 2:

The Pentagon has had a program to weaponize the "Avian Flu"

Btw, the "Spanish Flu" in 1918 wasn't a Spanish Flu at all. It originated at a U.S. Military camp in Kansas where every soldier underwent "mandatory vaccination." You connect the dots.

Interesting fact number 3:

One Donald Rumsfeld - yes THAT Donald Rumsfeld - was named Chairman of the board at Gilead Sciences who happens to make Tamiflu - a flu vaccine. Co-incidentally, the Pentagon ordered $1 Billion in flu vaccines from them to inject into service personnel as a precaution. Precaution from what?

Interesting fact number 4:

Given the shockingly obvious lack of any threat from an un-weaponized H5N1 virus, how can we explain the Bush Administration spending billions of dollars preparing each of the 50 States, for what it calls the ‘inevitable Bird Flu pandemic,’ which they say could kill half or more of all Americans and similar numbers of people around the globe?

Interesting fact number 5:

Timeline for flu research and "preparations"

Interesting fact number 6:

If an emergency is declared under the Modern Emergancy Health Powers Act a lot of diferent things happen, including:

A meeting of the Center for Law and the Public Health (CLPH) was convened on Oct. 5. This group is run jointly by Georgetown University Law School and Johns Hopkins Medical School, and was founded under the auspices of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The purpose of the October meeting was to draft legislation to respond to a bioterrorism threat.

After working only 18 days, on Nov. 23 CLPH released a 40-page document called the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA). This was a "model" law that HHS is suggesting be enacted by the 50 states to handle future public health emergencies such as bioterrorism. A revised version was released on Dec. 21 containing more specific definitions of "public health emergency" as it pertains to bioterrorism and biologic agents, and includes language for those states that want to use the act for chemical, nuclear or natural disasters.

According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), after declaring a "public health emergency", and without consulting with public health authorities, law enforcement, the legislature or courts, a state governor using MEHPA, or anyone he/she decides to empower, can among many things:

· Require any individual to be vaccinated. Refusal constitutes a crime and will result in quarantine. · Require any individual to undergo specific medical treatment. Refusal constitutes a crime and will result in quarantine. · Seize any property, including real estate, food, medicine, fuel or clothing, an official thinks necessary to handle the emergency. · Seize and destroy any property alleged to be hazardous. There will be no compensation or recourse. · Draft you or your business into state service. · Impose rationing, price controls, quotas and transportation controls. · Suspend any state law, regulation or rule that is thought to interfere with handling the declared emergency.

As of this writing the law has been passed in 38 states and Washington, DC.

Interesting fact number 7:


April, 2006:

* HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based flu vaccine.
* Leavitt declares: “The FDA can use its Emergency Use Authorization authority to permit the use of unapproved products if there’s a reasonable belief the products may be effective.”
* 32 states pass laws which make resisting inocculation once ordered by the governor a felony.
* These laws join Patriot Act I, II, BARDA, BIOSHIELD I, II in making drug treatment and innoculation mandatory once a Pandemic is called.
* Unlimited quarantine without review is mandated under these laws for those who resist innoculation under Pandemic conditions.
* Fully staffed, empty detention centers (FEMA Camps) exist all over North America. The largest, in Alasks, is rumored to have a 2.5 million person capacity.

Interesting fact number 8:

The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) branch of HHS utilizes its Emergency Use Authorization authority and awards a license to produce H5N1 “Bird Flu” vaccines to Sanofi-Pasteur.

YES, the SAME Sanofi-Pasteur that was caught with LIVE strains of H5N1 in its flu "vaccines"

and did live patient testing on homeless people in Poland

Also (from the Airforce report in 1996)

"It is interesting to note that the source of the Air Force’s fictional pandemic is described as unknown and it is not “determined if the virus was a natural mutation or bioengineered. Many feared the latter.” (Emphasis added.)

Is it merely a coincidence the Pentagon would propose in 1996 a deadly flu pandemic for 2009 when live H5N1 avian flu viruses are discovered in vaccines produced by a Baxter International plant in Austria?

“The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses is the smoking gun,” writes Paul Joseph Watson. “The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne and more restricted in the ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which as everyone knows are super-airborne and easily spread, the effect is a potent, super-airborne, super deadly biological weapon” of the sort proposed in Air Force 2025."

Interesting fact number 9:

The "Swine Flu" has been found to have strains of human, avian and swine flu. (A VERY unusual mix which has led many to suspect that it is man-made)

From CDC via Wikipedia: Anne Schuchat, director of CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that the American cases were found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses -- North American swine influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza A virus subtype H1N1, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe.

(I'm not a fan of wikipedia for accuracy on information, however there is more than one one person reporting that this is a highly unusual strain of flu)

Interesting fact number 10:

A number of "world-class" microbiologists start dropping dead in a 4 month period.

Interesting fact number 11:

No pigs have been found to be infected with the swine flu at "ground zero" in mexico. NONE!

Interesting fact number 12:

World Health Organization is NOT recommending travel restrictions

Interesting fact number 13:

The US is NOT closing the border with Mexico

If it's as bad as they say it is, and the CDC is preparing for deaths, why WOULDN'T they close the border?


So, what do all these interesting facts add up to? Well not a lot by themselves. But together, well, you have some VERY interesting circumstantial evidence.

What does it all mean? You guys are smart people. Draw your own conclusion.

here's some interesting reading also:

Out of curiosity, anybody ever seen a little movie named "V for Vendetta?" You know what they say, art imitates life. Or does life imitate art?

"Remember, remember the 5th of November."

Arrogance in Chief - Gov. KNEW AF1 flyover would cause panic and ordered it anyway!

(From April 28, 2009)

The Gov. KNEW an Air Force 1 flyover of NYC would cause a panic and ordered it anyway. Why? So Obama could give away cool little souvenier photos with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Don't worry though. Obama said it was ok. So it must be. After all, he has the gift of public speaking - as long as his teleprompter keeps up with him.

Oh yeah, that whole threatening Federal sanctions against any departments that let the photo-op flyover slip out... apparently bipartisanship at it's finest. Certainly not the Arrogance of Change.

Oh yes, one other thing... Cost to the taxpayers: $328,835


A furious President Barack Obama ordered an internal review of Monday's low-flying photo op over the Statue of Liberty.

CBS 2 HD has discovered the feds will have plenty to question.

Federal officials knew that sending two fighter jets and Air Force One to buzz ground zero and Lady Liberty might set off nightmarish fears of a 9/11 replay, but they still ordered the photo-op kept secret from the public.

In a memo obtained by CBS 2 HD the Federal Aviation Administration's James Johnston said the agency was aware of "the possibility of public concern regarding DOD (Department of Defense) aircraft flying at low altitudes" in an around New York City. But they demanded total secrecy from the NYPD, the Secret Service, the FBI and even the mayor's office and threatened federal sanctions if the secret got out.

"To say that it should not be made public knowing that it might scare people it's just confounding," Sen. Charles Schumer said. "It's what gives Washington and government a bad name. It's sheer stupidity."

The flyover -- apparently ordered by the White House Office of Military Affairs so it would have souvenir photos of Air Force One with the Statue of Liberty in the background -- had President Obama seeing red. He ordered a probe and apologized.

"It was a mistake. It will never happen again," President Obama said.

The NYPD was so upset about the demand for secrecy that Police Commissioner Ray Kelly vowed never to follow such a directive again and he accused the feds of inciting fears of a 9/11 replay.

"Did it show any insensitivity to the psychic wounds New York City has after 9/11? Absolutely. No questions about it. It was quite insensitive."

The cost of the frivolous flight was about $60,000 an hour and that was just for Air Force One. That doesn't include the cost of the two F-16s that came along.

The mayoral aide who neglected to tell Mayor Michael Bloomberg about it was reprimanded.

My Speech at Lynchburg Tax Day Tea Party today...

(From April 15, 2009)

We are gathered here today to protest the function that our form of government has undertaken. Alexis de Tocqueville said, “In a Democracy, the people get the government they deserve.” We are here to demand that we deserve better than the cesspool of corruption, backbiting and excuses that we currently have in Washington.

The role of Government is to facilitate, not annihilate, the growth of small businesses. It is to accelerate, not incinerate, the ability of people to put their hard earned money into savings. And exaggerate, not eliminate, the ability of people to start their own businesses and pursue their own dreams.

There is something dreadfully wrong when the average state and local government job pays nearly 30 percent more than private jobs.

There’s no incentive for increased productivity or accountability as government expands. The government essentially forces the private sector to pay more via taxes to fund the ever growing pay gap. Government is an insatiable glutton of the public’s money. A black hole swallowing the light of responsibility, common sense and virtue.

Our tax money is used for reprehensible purposes. “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson

Public taxpayer money to fund abortions overseas, publicly fund embryonic stem cell research when adult stem cell research has just as much – if not more – promise. Our money is used to kill the unborn.

Our tax money is used to provide the lazy with the very things we work hard for. The more people are successful, the more they are taxed. Meanwhile those who do not work, receive benefits off of the backs of the hardworking among us. They are the leeches of society who shall soon enough suck us all dry and leave us a shriveled husk, drying in the winds of time, a stark warning for those after us in history, a non-event for those that would not heed the mistakes we have made – just as we have not heeded the mistakes made by others.

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” - Thomas Jefferson

Our present tax system chokes the engine of the economy. Taxing the so-called “rich” among us merely serves to weaken our resolve to be successful by breeding envy among us towards our neighbors, rather than to foster our own desire to succeed and reach our potential. This is not acceptable in a free society.

There is no denying that taxes are necessary for any government to raise revenue. However, it is unconscionable to be treated in the manner proscribed by the government. As tax payers we are taxed when we earn money, taxed when we spend it, taxed on top of that if we eat in the city, taxed if we keep what we bought, taxed if we sell it, taxed if we give it away and then taxed when we die with it. Ironically, criminals can only be made to pay once for their crimes, but tax payers can be made to pay every second of every day for the crime of being productive and earning money to follow their American Dream.

It is not acceptable to merely complain about a problem and not offer a solution. The solution to this problem is the fair tax. It is a consumption tax that taxes everyone according to what they buy, not what they earn. It provides incentive to save money and not rely on credit. It forces drug dealers and welfare recipients to suddenly contribute money to the very coffers from which they draw their benefits. In this miniscule way they are at least appearing to be contributing members of the economy and society as a whole. Criminal aliens likewise would suddenly be supporting the very coffers from which they currently steal our hard earned tax dollars in the form of benefits.

Businesses and the stock market are free to operate apart from the heavy chains of taxation weighing them down from reaching their potential The result is more and higher paying jobs, a higher GDP and standard of living, as well as a reduced or eliminated trade deficit.

There are those among us that seek to pay the criminal immigrant for sneaking into our country, bypassing the legal manner to set forth in which to join our country and our fold. The Speaker of the House thinks it’s unpatriotic to enforce our immigration laws. 12 million criminals take our jobs, kill our citizens, strain our police forces, take benefits paid for by our tax dollars and provide nothing in return. They demand the benefits of our country while refusing to be bound by its rules. In short, they are the whining sniveling neighborhood brats that could have everything they want by going about it correctly but refuse to do so – preferring instead to take what is not theirs, enjoy the fruits of our labor and thumb their noses at our laws and common decency while deriding us as less than human for the audacity of demanding that our laws be obeyed by those in our country.

To add insult to injury, our elected officials raise our taxes and pin us under never ending debt to provide more benefits for not only these unwelcome invaders, but also their cousins - the lazy non-contributors among us receiving their government benefits at the expense of the hard working members of society everywhere. Thomas Jefferson said, “I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.”

Jefferson also said, “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.”

The founding fathers were equally, if not more so opposed to providing charity from the public trust.

James Madison said, “[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”

He also said, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Ben Franklin said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

I also find it interesting that those that scream the loudest that morality should not be LEGISLATED by the government, are among the first to howl their derision that providing charity to those who cannot provide for themselves is a moral obligation to be FULFILLED by the government.

Perhaps a wise Virginian named Thomas Jefferson said it best: “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

It seems each day brings news of the dire straits those in government have led us into.

First it was apologizing for the so-called arrogance of Americans. The woman in the White House said we are a mean country.

Isn’t it funny how the rest of world eagerly pays millions in ransom to third world pirates, but Americans actually take back their ship. THEY cower in fear at the threat of violence, but Americans FIX THE PROBLEM.

The man in the White House says we are arrogant! Yes, we are arrogant. Arrogant enough to believe that freedom is worth fighting for. Arrogant enough to believe that we should stand against evil. And arrogant enough to believe that - Yes! We CAN - make a difference in the world and be a shining beacon of freedom to a world enslaved by those in power.

Pirates are nothing new to Americans. Marines proudly sing, “To the shores of Tripoli!” Yes, history tells us we once had a pirate problem off the shores of Africa. Likewise, the rest of the world paid tribute while America fought back. A few American ships and a mere handful of Marines swept the pirates from the seas, routed them on land and forced them to their knees.

Today came the news that we are being watched by the Department of Homeland Security for “right-wing extremist and terrorist activity.” This does not include just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion, immigration or gun-control. The report was distributed to local police and sheriff departments across the U.S. so that they could keep a close local eye on possible right-wing extremists, including military personnel returning from overseas. I cannot think of anything more insulting than to return from serving your country overseas only to be put on a watch list of possible terrorists upon returning home.

Apparently there is a phenomenon of violent right-wing radicalization here in the U.S., despite the fact that they admit that they don’t have any information about any groups that are currently planning any attacks. The bottom line is that if you oppose what’s going on in Washington, you will be labeled a possible terrorist and will be under surveillance. This is not America as it should be, this is 1939 Nazi Germany as it was. This is Communist Russia, Communist China, Iran, Iraq and all the nations of the world with oppressive regimes that our countrymen have shed their blood to crush.

Today is about more than high taxes, and wasteful government. Today is about the very survival of our freedom and the country as we know it and our founding fathers imagined for it to be.

There is no room for retreat. If we do not stand and fight now, there will be no place to retreat to. We have not stood up to the ever-expanding despot that is the nature of government. Our Founding Fathers told us this day would come and we have put it off until now. We cannot delay, we cannot falter. We have no choice but to push forward now or to face life as citizens in a prison of our own making. The Greeks at Thermopolae realized that it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

In closing, Thomas Jefferson said, “Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.”

Samuel Adams once told his fellow countrymen, "If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

A firey Virginian named Patrick Henry said, “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

A distinguished man named Ronald Reagan said not too long ago that government is not the solution to the problem; government IS the problem.

This nation was founded as a government Of the people, By the people and For the people. All that’s required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. This land was created by “We the People” - to be secured and given to the People’s children and their children’s children as a blessing of liberty. I don’t claim to be a good man, and I’m certainly not a great man, but I refuse to do nothing. I AM “We the People,” and I’m taking my country back.

The Gov't power grab over employees this week (i.e. Freedom to Fascism in 7 days)

(From April 1, 2009 - No, not an April Fool's Day Joke... unfortunately)

Ok, so yesterday we woke up to the headline that Obama was making the CEO of GM step down.

Great, so now the government has the power to decide who works where? I'm quite sure THAT'S not ANYWHERE in the Constitution. In fact, it's Fascism - Government control of privately owned companies.

"Wagoner's departure indicates that more management changes may be part of the deal. Wagoner, 56, has repeatedly said he felt it was better for the company if he led it through the crisis, but he has faced sharp criticism on Capitol Hill for what many lawmakers regard as years of missteps, mistakes and arrogance by the Big Three automakers."

Yes, as if it was his fault he had to deal with governmental regulations controlling what types of products to make, how much he had to pay his workers, the fact that he had to use union workers, etc... The fact is that I'm not sure anyone could've done any different given the barrage of Federal Regulations for car manufacturers. (Even Toyota and Honda are asking for bailouts from the Japanese Gov't)


Next the Gov't wants oversight of executive pay at ALL banks, Wall St. firms and possibly other companies.

What possibly gives them the right to do that? Nothing!!!! They have NO RIGHT to arbitrarily determine the salaries of individuals working at private companies!!!!! NONE!!!!

*Take note here: If it can happen to them, it can happen to you!*

Oh, I see. You say: "I'm not an exec at a company." Fine. Have it your way.


Now, Barney "Slobbering Sylvester" Frank drops another bombshell: He wants the ability to determine the salaries of EVERY employee at EVERY company that has taken a bailout. (i.e. The "Pay for Performance Act of 2009")

Now, let's not forget that many banks were FORCED to take the bailout in the first place by Paulson.

Your freedom to earn what you are capable of earning is at stake here folks. This is a shot across the bow of the entire free market system. Not just a shot across the bow, this is Irania speedboats threatening US Warships in the Persian Gulf. This is not a drill! This is clear the decks, prepare for action! This is Pearl Harbor!

The entire American Dream is at stake. I will be listing the home addresses of our elected officials in Washington shortly (hopefully). Feel free to send mail to their homes. Sometimes it has a bit more effect when they realize that not only does the public know where they live, but that they are responsible to them, and will beheld accountable. (Gotta love public campaign its good!) Your freedom is under attack. YOU MUST ACT!!!

I think FDR was one of the WORST presidents in history - with one exception: Fireside chats. I think every elected official should have them with their constituents. *torches and pitchforks optional*

"Melior morior bellator, quam ago profugus." - Better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

My speech at City Council Mtg on property taxes tonight...

(From April 1, 2009 - no it's not an April Fool's Day joke. That would be our current Congress and Administration)

Lynchburg City Council had a meeting tonight re: the general budget as well as lowering the property tax assessment from 1.05 to 0.99 per $100 of assessed value. Normally they wouldn't think about lowering taxes, but the state assessing program raised property values by 5%. (assessments are done locally, but using the state program - or so we were tld by an assessor. Interestingly, property values in the Norfolk area dropped 30% from the previous assessment. Now, I'm not a genius, but I can tell you that property values here are CERTAINLY not 5% higher than they were 2 years ago. In fact, they aren't even EQUAL with what they were 2 years ago. The following is what I brought to the council:


Councilmen, Mayor Foster, I am here tonight to protest the 5% raise in property values determined by the latest assessment by the state. This is merely an economic shell game. You cannot look us in the eyes and tell us that our homes are worth more now, than they were 2 years ago. You cannot look us in the eyes and tell us that YOUR homes are worth more now, than they were two years ago.

You cannot tax us more at a time that we make less. I understand that you took a symbolic vote to lower your pay for the next few months back to the level that it was before you voted yourselves a pay raise. I further understand that some of you wanted to give that money to charity. I find that to be a noble gesture.

I must congratulate Mr. Dodson on voting against the raise when it was originally proposed. I further agree with Mr. Helgeson when he says that there are better ways to save money. A great place to start is the city school budget, which for a school that teaches arithmetic, apparently can’t even properly count how many students it has.

Mayor Foster, you are right when you say that you think everyone in city government has to sacrifice. However, merely sacrificing the same percentage of pay as the city workers is but a token sacrifice. What is $100 or $120 dollars per person in the grand scheme of things? No, no. I believe that for those in leadership the requirement is more than for those not in leadership. If you truly mean to make a personal sacrifice it is my belief that you should sacrifice your ENTIRE salary for the year.

If the boards of troubled companies are being forced to return most if not all of their salaries - even salaries that they were contractually obligated to receive – should not YOU also as essentially the board of an economically troubled city return YOUR salaries for the good of the city?

While Councilman Johnson may indeed be correct when he says that the council couldn’t begin to be paid dollar for dollar for what they do, I would offer to you the case of a friend of mine who is a Commander in the Navy. Who as essentially the CEO of a squadron of Helicopters with 250 “employees” and “Millions upon Millions” in assets is paid FAR less than what he is worth. Yet he does it without complaint and makes sacrifices for the good of his squadron far in excess of what is required of him. Is it too much to ask you to do the same? I would offer the suggestion that should the Council REALLY have the best interests of the citizens at hand, they would vote to not be paid at ALL until these troubled economic times are behind us. You are after all public SERVANTS.

The way best way for all businesses to deal with difficult economic times is to cut costs. It is NOT to increase their prices at a time when their customers can least afford to pay them. In cutting costs, that not only begins in the boardroom, but also carries through to every department.

As tax payers we are taxed when we earn money, taxed when we spend it, taxed on top of that if we eat in the city, taxed if we keep what we bought, taxed if we sell it, taxed if we give it away and then taxed when we die with it. Ironically, criminals can only be made to pay once for their crimes, but tax payers can be made to pay every second of every day for the crime of being productive and earning money to follow their American Dream.

The question I place before you tonight is, how can we begin to trust you with our tax money when the city can’t even get its’ school budget right? The bottom line is that the increased assessment by the state comes at a time when we all can ill afford to pay it. You have the power at this very moment to lower the tax rate and effectively keep our taxes at their current dollar amount.

While I don’t expect you to actually give back your salaries – you Do work hard for them – I DO expect you to do the right thing by the people of Lynchburg and relieve them of this covert tax increase placed upon them by the state. To borrow the words of Daniel Hannan, the danger you have before you should you NOT lower property taxes is that of becoming the devalued city council of a devalued city in the devalued economy of a devalued - and soon to be bankrupt - country.


I'm quite sure Mayor Foster is not a fan of me at this point, but the bottom line is that government MUST look out for the people it serves. Interestingly, i got some applause from the people at the (Not bad I guess considering applause isn't allowed in council meetings...)

At any rate, the opposition to the increased property assessments was high, with only (apparently) a tweaker - i really wish they'd do drug and alcohol tests before they let people speak - and this crazy old guy who happened to be a raving liberal, in favor of the higher assessments. Everyone else was pretty much up in arms, and rightly so, about the tax increase.

Purported video of Joe Biden's daughter snorting coke...

(From March 29, 2009)

Here's a link to a story about a purported video of Joe Biden's daughter snorting coke:


A video purporting to show Ashley Biden -- daughter of Vice President Joe Biden -- snorting cocaine reportedly is being offered for sale.

The New York Post reports that it was shown a 90-second clip of a 42-minute video by a lawyer claiming to represent an anonymous "friend" of the vice president's daughter. The lawyer, Thomas Dunlap, and another man say the video shows Biden's daughter using the drug at a house party this month in Delaware.

Dunlap reportedly told the Post that the video was legally obtained, and that Ashley Biden was aware that she was being filmed. The Post reports that it refused to pay for the video, though Dunlap told the newspaper that one news organization had offered $250 thousand for the rights to the tape.

The Post reported that the video shows a 20-something woman with light skin and long brown hair taking a red straw from her mouth and bending over a desk, inserting the straw into her nostril and snorting from lines of white powder.

The woman appears to resemble the 27-year-old Biden, a social worker who was a visible presence during her father's campaign for the White House.

Dunlap refused to name the person who shot the video, but told the Post that he knew Ashley Biden well and had attended other parties with her at which there were illegal drugs. The lawyers said the person who shot the video used a camera with a hard-drive that he later destroyed, drilling into the device and tossing it into a lake.


Hey, like V.P. Daughter, Like Commander-in-Chief...
Maybe Obama really IS a role model. (Change you can snort...)

Missouri retracts 3rd Party = terrorist report... : (

(From March 27, 2009)

Well, it appears Missouri has felt the heat and seen the light. They're retracting the report that linked 3rd party supporters to being domestic terrorists. (And just when I was getting ready to have some Don't Tread on Me / Banned in Missouri / Live Free or Die t-shirts printed up...bummer - oh what they heck, I still might print some up).


By Jason Noble | Kansas City Star

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. &madash; The Missouri Highway Patrol this week retracted a controversial report on militia activity and will change how such reports are reviewed before being distributed to law enforcement agencies.

The Highway Patrol also will open an investigation into the origin of the report, which linked conservative groups with domestic terrorism and named former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.

The Highway Patrol’s announcement followed a news conference in which Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, suggested putting the director of public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was produced.

The uproar revolves around a report released last month by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a "fusion center" for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to collaborate on domestic security issues. The report concerned militia movements in Missouri and across the U.S., and described how they had evolved over the last several years.

I'd say government has returned to its senses, but I'm sure it's only a temporary reprieve from what seems to be the madness that strikes any government.

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be labeled terrorists and worse again in the near future. In the meantime, Live Free or Die!

Btw, you can subscribe to my notes so that you don't ahve to go searching for them and can continue to be informed and entertained with an absolute minimum amount of effort on your part. (And really, who doesn't want to work smarter, not harder?)

Obama wants more power to steal control of private companies...

(From March, 24, 2009)

Ok, so apparently that illegal bill passed by Congress last week completely ignoring Article 1, section 9, paragraph 3 about no Bills of Attainder or Ex Post Facto laws and totally nullifying the 4th and 14th amendments wasn't enough - he wants more!


By Binyamin Appelbaum and David Cho
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 24, 2009; A01

The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.

The government at present has the authority to seize only banks.

Giving the Treasury secretary authority over a broader range of companies would mark a significant shift from the existing model of financial regulation, which relies on independent agencies that are shielded from the political process. The Treasury secretary, a member of the president's Cabinet, would exercise the new powers in consultation with the White House, the Federal Reserve and other regulators, according to the document.

The administration plans to send legislation to Capitol Hill this week. Sources cautioned that the details, including the Treasury's role, are still in flux.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner is set to argue for the new powers at a hearing today on Capitol Hill about the furor over bonuses paid to executives at American International Group, which the government has propped up with about $180 billion in federal aid. Administration officials have said that the proposed authority would have allowed them to seize AIG last fall and wind down its operations at less cost to taxpayers.

The administration's proposal contains two pieces. First, it would empower a government agency to take on the new role of systemic risk regulator with broad oversight of any and all financial firms whose failure could disrupt the broader economy. The Federal Reserve is widely considered to be the leading candidate for this assignment. But some critics warn that this could conflict with the Fed's other responsibilities, particularly its control over monetary policy.

The government also would assume the authority to seize such firms if they totter toward failure.

Besides seizing a company outright, the document states, the Treasury Secretary could use a range of tools to prevent its collapse, such as guaranteeing losses, buying assets or taking a partial ownership stake. Such authority also would allow the government to break contracts, such as the agreements to pay $165 million in bonuses to employees of AIG's most troubled unit.

The Treasury secretary could act only after consulting with the president and getting a recommendation from two-thirds of the Federal Reserve Board, according to the plan.

Geithner plans to lay out the administration's broader strategy for overhauling financial regulation at another hearing on Thursday.

The authority to seize non-bank financial firms has emerged as a priority for the administration after the failure of investment house Lehman Brothers, which was not a traditional bank, and the troubled rescue of AIG.

"We're very late in doing this, but we've got to move quickly to try and do this because, again, it's a necessary thing for any government to have a broader range of tools for dealing with these kinds of things, so you can protect the economy from the kind of risks posed by institutions that get to the point where they're systemic," Geithner said last night at a forum held by the Wall Street Journal.

The powers would parallel the government's existing authority over banks, which are exercised by banking regulatory agencies in conjunction with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Geithner has cited that structure as the model for the government's plans.


Hmm, so what's their reason why they should be allowed to take over private companies? Simple. In order to 'limit the danger their collapse would pose to the economic system.' Does that sound familiar?

The economy is about to collapse. The world as we know it will collapse. It will be the worst financial catastrophe ever. Worse than the Great Depression. Only Obama can save it. Yes, those were the reasons for passing the first and second bailouts (which led to the AIG bonuses, which in turn led to those who voted for it being given campaign contributions by those companies - isn't that interesting...).

Let's not forget that those bills were rushed through. (Especially the second one!) Barely 24 hours passed between the time the bill was finalized and the time it was passed! So much for openness and disclosure.

Obama had this to say: Uh, we uh... uh, did what we, uh... thought was, uh... best uh... at, um, that, uh, time... and, um... we, uh... just had to, uh, act in order, uh, to, um, prevent, uh, this crisis. Um, there, uh, was a, um, crisis, which um, we, had to prevent, uh, from, um, becoming, uh, a, uh, worse, uh, the worst, uh, crisis in, um, modern times, uh, since uh, the founding, uh, of the, um, country, and crisises. Um, who, uh, wants to, uh, talk, um, bowling?

So not only has Congress essentially bypassed the necessity of Due Process of Law before taking your personal property, Obama now want's increased power for them to be able to do that. Why?

Simple, the more the government controls, the more the people have to rely on them for everything. Marxism is here. Socialism and Fascism are coming. Look out France, China, Russia and Nazi Germany. Move over. Here comes the U.S.S.A.!

Speaking of rats... Bailout money is going to the politicians that voted for it!

(From March 24, 2009)

This ought to make your blood boil. Yes, Congress has finally found a way to turn tax payer money into political contributions by laundering it through companies receiving bailouts!!! Unbelievable? Check this out from Newsweek.


There was plenty of outrage on Capitol Hill last week over the executive bonuses paid out by AIG after getting federal bailout money. But another money trail could make voters just as angry: the campaign dollars to members of Congress from banks and firms that have received billions via the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

A NEWSWEEK review of recent filings with the Federal Election Commission found that the political action committees of five big TARP recipients doled out $85,300 to members in the first two months of this year—with most of the cash going to those who serves on committees who oversee the TARP program. Among them: Bank of America (which got $15 billion in bailout money) sent out $24,500 in the first two months of 2009, including $1,500 to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and another $15,000 to members of the House and Senate banking panels. Citigroup ($25 billion) dished out $29,620, including $2,500 to House GOPWhip Eric Cantor, who also got $10,000 from UBS which, while not a TARP recipient, got $5 billion in bailout funds as an AIG "counterparty." "This certainly appears to be a case of TARP funds being recycled into campaign contributions," says Brett Kappel, a D.C. lawyer who tracks donations. (A spokesman for Cantor did not respond to requests for comment. A spokeswoman for Hoyer said it's his "policy to accept legal contributions.")

The cash flow is already causing angst inside the Beltway. "The last thing I want to do is wake up one morning and see our PAC check being burned on C-Span," said one bank lobbyist, who asked not to be identified because of the issue's sensitivity. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Financial Services chair Rep. Barney Frank both said recently they won't take donations from TARP recipients. But House Democratic fundraisers have quietly passed the word that the party's campaign committee will resume accepting them—down the road, though; not right now. Said one fundraiser, who also requested anonymity, "These are treacherous waters."


Apparently there are quite a few rats here at home (not just in Pakistan - for those that read my last note and my quick and painless solution there). Let me know where I can get a few hundred cats to release in DC and I'll be happy to go get them. Time to clean house in Congress! Period!

Pakistani Terror School teaches kids martial arts...among other helpful skills

(From March 24, 2009),2933,510224,00.html


BAHAWALPUR, Pakistan — The compound bore no sign. Residents referred to it simply as the school for "jihadi fighters," speaking in awe of the expensive horses stabled within its high walls — and the extremists who rode them bareback in the dusty fields around it.

In classrooms nearby, teachers drilled boys as young as 8 in an uncompromising brand of Islam that called for holy war against enemies of the faith. Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Dar-ul-uloom Madina school, they rocked back and forth as they recited sections of the Quran, Islam's holy book.

Both facilities are run by an Al Qaeda-linked terror network, Jaish-e-Mohammed, in the heart of Pakistan, hundreds of miles from the Afghan border that is the global focus of the fight against terrorism. Their existence raises questions about the government's pledge to crack down on terror groups accused of high-profile attacks in Pakistan and India, and ties to global terror plots.

Authorities say militant groups in Punjab are increasingly sending out fighters to Afghanistan and the border region, adding teeth to an insurgency spreading across Pakistan that has stirred fears about the country's stability and the safety of its nuclear weapons.

The horse-riding facility, discovered by The Associated Press during a visit to this impoverished region where miles of dusty, wind-swept desert spread out in all directions, had never before been seen by journalists.

There, would-be jihadi fighters practice martial arts, archery and horse-riding skills and get religious instruction, according to a former member of Jaish-e-Mohammed, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he did not want to be identified by ex-comrades or authorities.

Horse-riding is considered by many extremists to be especially merit-worthy because the pursuit is referenced in Islamic teachings on jihad.

Pakistan has seen a string of attacks, including the ambush this month of Sri Lankan cricket players in the Punjab capital, Lahore, and a truce with extremists in Swat less than 100 miles from the capital, Islamabad, that have heightened alarm in Washington and other Western capitals that the country is slipping into chaos.

Amid the near daily onslaught of violence, the country's president and opposition leader have been locked in a bitter political dispute that has exposed the weakness of the civilian government less than a year after it took over following years of military rule by Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

Pakistan outlawed Jaish in 2001, but has done little to enforce the ban, partly out of fear of a backlash but also because it and other groups in Punjab were created by the powerful intelligence agencies as a proxy force in Afghanistan and Kashmir, a territory disputed with rival India.

"You can say Jaish is running its business as usual," said Mohammed Amir Rana, from Pakistan's Institute for Peace Studies, which tracks militant groups. "The military wants to keep alive its strategic options in Kashmir. The trouble is you cannot restrict the militants to one area. You cannot keep control of them."

Apart from the martial arts and horse riding center, Jaish militants openly operate two imposing boarding schools in Bahawalpur, a dusty town of 500,000 people. Food, lodging and tuition are free for their 500 students, paid for by donations from sympathizers across the country.

A top police officer said the schools and other hard-line establishments in the area were used to recruit teens and young men for jihadi activities in Pakistan's northwest or in Afghanistan. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

A guard wielding an automatic weapon stood at the gate of the Usman-o-Ali school and turned a visiting AP team away. But the head teacher at nearby Dar-ul-uloom Madina school allowed the group a tour and an interview.

Ataur Rehman said none of the students were allowed to be recruited for jihad while studying there, but added that he could not stop them joining up after they graduated.

"We have made it clear: our focus is teaching, teaching and teaching," he said in his damp threadbare office as a student served sweet, milky tea and biscuits. "But if someone does something independently, we cannot be held responsible."

In classrooms, students ranging in age from 8 to their mid-20s sat shoulder-to-shoulder along wooden planks as they chanted Quranic verses; one of the youngest boys broke off briefly from his studies and grinned at a visiting reporter.

In the kitchen, men stirred huge pots of chicken curry, washed potatoes and made fresh bread. Outside, workers mixed cement for a new cafeteria and dormitory.

The walled complex with the horse stables was on the outskirts of town, and from the road, laborers could be seen working on a building toward the rear of the compound.

Home to more than half of Pakistan's 160 million people, Punjab's large cities are centers of wealth and political power, but in towns like Bahawalpur, poverty is widespread.

Last year, the governor of Pakistan's border region warned that insurgent commanders and suicide bombers were increasingly coming from Punjab. Afghan police officers also say Punjabi fighters are becoming common there.

"Pakistani citizens, and especially Punjabis, are the Taliban trainers in the area for bomb-making," said Asadullah Sherzad, police chief in Afghanistan's insurgency-wracked Helmand province, adding there are around 100 Punjabis at any one time in that area of Afghanistan.

A police officer in Bahawalpur said Jaish members were not believed to be training with weapons in the town's schools and other facilities, adding that law enforcement agencies had infiltrated the group. He spoke on condition of anonymity because sections of the government and security agencies disagreed on the need to crack down on the group.

Jaish is believed to have been formed in 2000 by hard-line cleric Masood Azhar after he was freed from an Indian prison in exchange for passengers on a hijacked Indian Airlines flight that landed in Taliban-controlled southern Afghanistan the same year.

Azhar was born in Bahawalpur, though the government says his current whereabouts are not known. A small stall outside the Usman-o-Ali school sells his speeches and writings.

"When my brother's blood is shed in Afghanistan, when he is a victim of bombs, then does America expect us to offer it flowers?" he proclaims in a recording of an undated speech. "America you should listen... We will not let you live in peace so long as we are alive."

In 2007, British militant suspect Rashid Rauf was seized at the Usman-o-Ali school on suspicion of links to a failed plot to blow up jetliners over the Atlantic in 2007. Rauf, who escaped Pakistani custody and was reported to have been killed last year in a U.S. missile strike close to the border, is related by marriage to Azhar.

Jaish members and leaders are also suspected in the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi in 2002, and in a bombing the same year in the city that killed 11 French engineers.

Jaish and other groups still recruit in villages in southern Punjab, according to the ex-Jaish member and another former militant who fought in Afghanistan.

The Usman-o-Ali school "requires each student to attend some sort of jihad training or practice each year," the ex-Jaish operative said, adding that the hot months of June and July were the prime recruiting period.

well good. now that we know where it is, it needs to be firebombed... at night... while everyone is sleeping... so that there are no survivors.

better to kill the rats all at once than to let them spread the plague.

An ironic humor to the "$timulu$" bill... *giggles*

(From March 23, 2009)

Ok, so apparently, despite the fact that it is printing trillions of dollars out of thin air to "save" American jobs, the government is going to be buying lots and lots of foreign made condoms to help stem the tide of AIDS worldwide. Now, despite the fact that it's been shown that condoms don't help stop the spread of AIDS, our government is nonetheless spending taxpayer money to buy CHEAPER condoms from CHINA than from an Alabama company, which will cost approximately 300 jobs.

*Anther delicious irony is that the cost is cheaper in large part due to federal regulations enforced on U.S. companies by the U.S. Government. - Can't have your cond...uh, cake... and wear...err... eat it too...*


By Mike McGraw | Kansas City Star

Call it a condom conundrum.

At a time when the federal government is spending billions of stimulus dollars to stem the tide of U.S. layoffs, should that same government put even more Americans out of work by buying cheaper foreign products?

In this case, Chinese condoms.

That's the dilemma for the folks at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which has distributed an estimated 10 billion U.S.-made AIDS-preventing condoms in poor countries around the world.

But not anymore.

In a move expected to cost 300 American jobs, the government is switching to cheaper off-shore condoms, including some made in China.

The switch comes despite implied assurances over the years that the agency would continue to buy American whenever possible.

"Of course, we considered how many U.S. jobs would be affected by this move,” said a USAID official who spoke on the condition that he would not be named. But he said the reasons for the change included lower prices (2 cents versus more than 5 cents for U.S.-made condoms) and the fact that Congress dropped “buy American language” in a recent appropriations bill.

Besides, he said, the sole U.S. supplier — an Alabama company called Alatech — had previous delivery problems under the program.

It's clear that Alatech's problems over the years, which apparently have been resolved, may have driven U.S. officials to seek much less expensive foreign-made condoms in the first place.

But that's cold comfort to Fannie Thomas, who has been making AIDS-preventing condoms in southeastern Alabama for nearly 40 years in the small town of Eufaula.

“We pay taxes down here, too, and with all this stimulus money going to save jobs, it seems to me like they (the U.S. government) should share this contract so they can save jobs here in America,” Thomas said.

Thomas and others at the Alatech plant said there aren’t many alternatives for them if it closes down, which is a likely result of the contracting switch.

In fact, the government is close to accepting condoms from two offshore companies: Unidus Corp., which makes condoms in South Korea, and Qingdao Double Butterfly Group, which makes them in China.


The bottom line? Better go find a cheaper condom before your government screws you with them.

Congress' hypocricy killing economy...

(From March 23, 2009)

By Lorraine Woellert

March 23 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Senate last month passed a measure limiting “luxury” spending for corporate travel by recipients of federal bailout funds. Two weeks later, about two dozen senators of both parties left town for political meetings on the Florida coast.

Hotel-industry leaders are seizing on those trips as ammunition in a campaign to get lawmakers and the Obama administration to tone down the rhetoric against business travel, which they say is adding to their economic difficulties.

“It’s just the hypocrisy,” said Frank Fahrenkopf, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee who is president of the Washington-based American Gaming Association, one of the groups urging politicians to moderate the criticism. “We’ve got to have Washington stop beating up on us.”

On March 11, hotel executives including Jonathan M. Tisch, chairman of New York-based Loews Corp., which operates a chain of 18 hotels in North America, Bill Marriott, chairman of Bethesda, Maryland-based Marriott International Inc., the biggest U.S. lodging chain, and Jay Rasulo, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, a unit of Burbank, California-based Walt Disney Co. that operates its theme parks, met with President Barack Obama and three Democratic senators to express their concern.


The executives said the political attacks are having a broad effect on their business -- even though the restrictions are intended to apply only to recipients of federal bailout money -- and cancellations have been increasing as the rhetoric heats up.

“We’ve seen companies cancel meetings last minute, leaving 100 percent on the table just to avoid criticism and ridicule,” said Frits van Paasschen, president and chief executive of White Plains, New York-based Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., the third-largest U.S. lodging company, who attended the White House meeting.

“We’ve also seen meeting planners move meetings from resort locations to city locations, at a greater cost to their companies, again, for optics’ sake,” he said.

A preliminary survey by the U.S. Travel Association, a Washington trade group, suggests the hotel industry suffered about $1 billion in cancellations in January and February. Las Vegas has been hit especially hard, losing more than $131 million in non-gambling revenue in recent months.

On March 18, the U.S. Commerce Department reported that spending on travel and tourism fell 0.4 percent in 2008, the first yearly decline since 2001. Spending on accommodations fell 10.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008.

‘Sense of McCarthyism’

The political rhetoric “has a terrible sense of McCarthyism about it,” said Laurence Geller, president and chief executive of Chicago-based Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc., which owns 19 properties, including the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, and who didn’t attend the Washington meetings.

Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat who heads the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, sponsored the amendment to the $787 billion stimulus package that requires companies that received funds from the Troubled Assets Recovery Plan to curb “excessive or luxury expenditures,” including spending on events and private jets.

Over the weekend of Feb. 27, two weeks after the Senate passed the measure, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the party fundraising arms for Senate candidates, each held their annual winter meetings in Florida.

Naples Fundraiser

About a dozen Democrats, including Dodd, 64, gathered at the Marriott-operated Ritz-Carlton resort in Naples, Florida. Donors who gave at least $15,000 were invited and offered a “coastal view” room at the group rate of $469, according to the Democrats’ invitation.

At least 11 Republican senators held a similar retreat at The Breakers resort in Palm Beach. Rooms could be had for $475 a night. For another $292, participants could play in a golf tournament. The invitation urged guests to make reservations for the resort’s spa “indulgences.”

Dodd spokeswoman Kate Szostak didn’t return phone calls and emails seeking comment. Afshin Mohamadi, a spokesman for Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, didn’t return a call seeking comment.

Democratic committee spokesman Eric Schultz said the group doesn’t comment on its fundraising.

Republican Response

Brian Walsh, spokesman for the Republican Senate Committee, which is led by Senator John Cornyn of Texas, said the spending for the congressional meetings in no way resembles the actions of financial institutions that accepted billions of dollars in taxpayer bailouts and then spent money on sales meetings and conventions.

“This was not paid for by taxpayers or the government,” Walsh said. “It’s private donations from contributors,”

Hotel executives said their business began to suffer after Obama, 47, warned Feb. 9 during a town-hall meeting in Elkhart, Indiana, that companies receiving bailout money “can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.”

Soon after, Northern Trust Corp. was criticized for organizing a conference and golf tournament in Beverly Hills, California. The Chicago-based bank received $1.6 billion in federal bailout money.

‘Frittered Away’

House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and 17 other lawmakers on Feb. 24 demanded that the company return what it “frittered away on these lavish events.”

The day the senators boarded the planes for Florida, San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co. -- which received $25 billion in bailout funds -- canceled a four-day event in Las Vegas, saying the trip may send mixed signals to the public.

“We can only shake our heads at the cynical behavior of our politicians,” Geller said. “It is political rhetoric to fan the fuel of fear.”

Van Paasschen of Starwood said the senators’ Florida trip sends another message.

It “speaks to the point that getting out and traveling is important,” he said. “I would encourage the members of our government to get out and travel.”


I guess it's ok for Congress to criticize companies receiving taxpayer dollars re: taking business trips, etc... to resrot locations, but then they can do the same thing on taxpayer dollars? Hmmm... Double standard much? Congress needs to go. All of them. Throw the bums out. Just get rid of them all. The bad and the good. There is far more bad than good let's repopulate the place with citizens who actually WORK for a living.

NY Governor to try and ram budget through state house - raise taxes on 'rich'

(From March 23, 2009)


GOV. PATERSON and legislative Democrats have secretly agreed on an $8 billion, two- year tax hike on individuals making more than $500,000 a year that will "sunset" around the time he plans to run for election in 2010, legislative sources told The Post.

Also under intense discussion yesterday as lawmakers rushed to complete a budget by April 1 is a proposal to raise the state's 4 percent sales tax to 4.5 percent the total of which would jump to close to 10 percent in parts of the state with the addition of local sales taxes.

PLUS: Paterson Takes Huge Hit in Poll

The sales-tax hike, too, would sunset at the end of next year or in early 2011, legislative Democrats said.

While Paterson has repeatedly claimed he was against a "millionaires' tax" on the very wealthy and hasn't backed a sales-tax hike, the sources said he was privately backing both.

The current top tax rate is 6.85 percent for all incomes over $25,000 a year. Sources could not say yesterday what the rate would rise to for incomes over $500,000.

"Paterson has told everyone he really wants the taxes, but he wants it to appear to the public that he's against them," a senior legislative official said.

"Then, next year, when he's running, he'll say we can afford to phase them out so he can claim that he's a tax cutter."

Billions in other tax hikes proposed by Paterson in December, including huge increases in levies on insurance policies and health services, have been left in the budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1.

The budget, which is meant to close a multibillion-dollar deficit made less severe by billions of dollars in last-minute federal stimulus aid, is also expected to cut several major state programs, including Medicaid, deeper than many have expected.

The proposed cuts have angered many Democratic lawmakers, as well as the powerful unions that regularly bankroll their campaigns.

Democrats who control the Legislature and the governor's office for the first time since the late 1930s plan to ram the budget through with virtually no debate or scrutiny using special "messages of necessity" issued by Paterson that will circumvent the legally required three-day waiting period designed to give lawmakers, and the public, time to review proposed new laws, several sources said.

As lieutenant governor and Senate minority leader, Paterson strongly opposed using the "messages" to cut off debate.

A Paterson spokesman yesterday refused to say whether the governor would use the procedure to ram through the budget.

The budget plan, meanwhile, is expected to shift longstanding state commitments from wealthy, Republican-oriented Long Island school districts to poorer districts in New York City and upstate, potentially angering suburban Senate Democrats whose votes will be vital for the budget to pass.


Now the real issue here is not that he wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, OR that he wants to be for them, while appearing in public to be against them, OR EVEN that he wants them to end just before he runs for re-election. As nefarious and unethical as those are, the REAL issue here is in this paragraph at the bottom:

"Democrats who control the Legislature and the governor's office for the first time since the late 1930s plan to ram the budget through with virtually no debate or scrutiny using special "messages of necessity" issued by Paterson that will circumvent the legally required three-day waiting period designed to give lawmakers, and the public, time to review proposed new laws, several sources said."

"Messages of Necessity" - i.e. The easiest way to ram legislation down the throats of the people without giving their representatives a chance to read it over and make sure there's no funny business going on.

Does that sound familiar? How about a certain 'stimulus' that was 'absolutely necessary' to stave off 'economic collapse.' I mean the fact that it was over $1T is bad enough - or the fact that the Congressional Budget Office says it's true cost will be $3.27T - but the real problem is that this major piece of legislation was rammed through with far less than the promised 48 hours to actually READ the thing! And here we have the Governor of the People's Republic of New York attempting to do something similar attempting to get around state law in the process based on the 'Necessity' of it all.

If anything, when politicians scream NECESSITY!!!. we the people should DEMAND a very close look at exactly what it is they're trying to push through under our noses.

"Necessity is the plea for infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt

Why I'm apparently a "suspected domestic terrorist" in Missouri...

(From March 22, 2009)

Ok, so there is a new report out from the State of MO that says Libertarians, Constitutionalists and other 3rd party supporters are possible domestic terrorists. This included anyone with a Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, etc... bumper stickers. See below:

Or read the full report here:


Now for a list of "You May be a Domestic Terrorist If:"

(I feel like Jeff Foxworthy!)

1. You are a 3rd Party supporter - Libertarian, Constitiution, or Campaign for Liberty

2. Have bumper stickers referring to the above

3. Are involved in the Patriot movement

4. Don't like Obama

5. Are concerned about gun control restrictions on the 2nd Amendment

6. Are concerned about the possibility of a New World Order

7. Are concerned about NORTHCOM assigning Homeland Security duties to a standing military brigade in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act

8. Believe Banking and Media are controlled by the Jewish elite

9. Are against the Federal Reserve

10. Are against taxation

11. Are against the Amunition Accountability Act (serial numbers linked to purchasers) - Failed to Pass

12. Believe the U.S. might collapse due to economic or racial issues

13. Concerned about a possible Constitutional Conference where the 1st and 2nd Amendments may be altered or removed (32 states have called for one. 2 more necessary for it to be held)

14. Concerned about the possibility of a North American Union where the dollar is scrapped in favor of the "Amero"

15. Concerned about a NAFTA "Super Highway" runing from Mexico to Canada

16. Are against the idea of Obama's suggested Civilian Defense Force and its mandatory 3 mos. of training for all citizens between ages 18-25.

17. Have a fear of the government forcing RFID chip implantations to be able to monitor the locations of all citizens

18. Have a Christian identity

19. Believe Jews are offspring from Eve and Satan

20. Believe non-whites are "mud-people" created before Adam & Eve

21. Are against illegal-immigration

22. Are a White Nationalist

23. Believe that the government has gotten away from the intent of the Constitution

24. Militant anti-abortion

25. Tax-resistor

26. Play MILSIM games (yes, this includes airsoft and paintball)

27. Have gone to a marskmanship or survival skills class

28. Use short wave radios

29. Go to gun shows

30. Are part of a public group willing to aid the National Guard or Governor in the case of an emergency

31. Have done community service

32. Have lobbied the government against political corruption

33. Display bumper stickers or cartoons with anti-government slogans (i.e. Portraying the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforcement and "New World Order" in a derogatory manner)

34. Display bumper stickers re: racial, anti-illegal immigration or anti-abortion viewpoints

35. Displaying the "Don't Tread On Me" or "Live Free or Die" slogans or flags or identifying with such

36. Displaying the "9 Stripes" red & white Sons of Liberty Flag

37. Displaying the first Navy Jack (13 red & white stripes w/ the stretched out rattlesnake inscribed Don't Tread on Me)

38. Have ever read or seen: Zeitgeist, America: Freedom to Fascism or The Turner Diaries

Now, racist crazy stuff aside, I thought we had the freedom to whatever political and religious ideas we wanted. Isn't it funny how the "tolerant" side is anything but? I mean you can say anything you want as long as they agree with it. Interesting how that works out huh?

Now I don't know about you, but I don't consider myself a domestic terrorist. Further, if this is the case, then each and every one of our founding fathers were "Domestic Terrorists." I guess perhaps they want us to salute those "brave freedom fighters" shooting at our troops overseas.

What's wrong with supporting the Constitution and wanting our freedoms secured? We are SUPPOSED to stand up to the government trying to take our freedoms. The founding fathers warned us about it from the start.

The point is that this craziness has to stop. They are trying to define anyone that might oppose them as terrorists in an effort to completely eradicate our freedoms. The only problem is that our freedoms come from God, NOT from any government. The government that gives men freedom can also take it.

Eternal Vigilence is the Price of Liberty. Live free or die.

A DoD Directive re: Obama's Brown Shirt civilian paramilitary idea...

(From March 20, 2009)

Something interesting I found today while searching the intrawebs... Pay close attention, although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.

Take special note of this part:

1. PURPOSE. This Directive:

a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 1404.10 (Reference (a)) under a new title to establish the
policy through which an appropriately sized subset of the DoD civilian workforce is preidentified to be organized, trained, and equipped in a manner that facilitates the use of their capabilities for operational requirements. These requirements are typically away from the normal work locations of DoD civilians, or in situations where other civilians may be evacuated to assist military forces where the use of DoD civilians is appropriate.

***These employees shall be collectively known as the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce.***

***Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05 (Reference (b)).***

(*** added for emphasis)

Yes, that's right: A civilian paramilitary force that answers to DoD. The Brownshirts are coming... The Brownshirts are coming...

Ok, so Congress just pissed on the Constitution today... How? Why does it matter?

(From March 19, 2009)

Quite simply: They passed a bill that would tax bonuses at 90%.

Oh yeah, they want state and local governments to take out the ohter 10%.

Well that's just fine and dandy except that they want to make it retroactive. One problem. The Constitution says they cant!

Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 provides that: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law will be passed."

"The Bill of Attainder Clause was intended not as a narrow, technical (and therefore soon to be outmoded) prohibition, but rather as an implementation of the separation of powers, a general safeguard against legislative exercise of the judicial function or more simply - trial by legislature." U.S. v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437, 440 (1965).

"These clauses of the Constitution are not of the broad, general nature of the Due Process Clause, but refer to rather precise legal terms which had a meaning under English law at the time the Constitution was adopted. A bill of attainder was a legislative act that singled out one or more persons and imposed punishment on them, without benefit of trial. Such actions were regarded as odious by the framers of the Constitution because it was the traditional role of a court, judging an individual case, to impose punishment." William H. Rehnquist, The Supreme Court, page 166.

"Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligations of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation. ... The sober people of America are weary of the fluctuating policy which has directed the public councils. They have seen with regret and indignation that sudden changes and legislative interferences, in cases affecting personal rights, become jobs in the hands of enterprising and influential speculators, and snares to the more-industrious and less-informed part of the community." James Madison, Federalist Number 44, 1788.

What's the importance of this restriction? Simply this: It prohibits persons from being deprived of life or property without the due process of law. Historically, English Parliament passed laws to punish people that it deemed seditious, etc...

"Bill of Attainder" - A legislative act pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, usually treason, without trial and subjecting that person to capital punishment and attainder. Such acts are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.

Ok, so what's the importance of Due Process? Well besides being the guarantee of "Innocent before proven Guilty" and guaranteeing us the right to a fair trial, it's also listed in the 5th and 14th Amendments. It applies to citizens, aliens and corporations.

Specifically it guarantees us:
* Right to a fair and public trial conducted in a competent manner
* Right to be present at the trial
* Right to an impartial jury
* Right to be heard in one's own defense
* Laws must be written so that a reasonable person can understand what is criminal behavior
* Taxes may only be taken for public purposes
* Property may be taken by the government only for public purposes
* Owners of taken property must be fairly compensated

Ok, so why is this important? Well, to put it plainly, the government just passed a bill that retroactively taxes a specific group of people for bonuses which they were legally obligated to get. In effect, seizing their personal property without the benefit of a trial. That's a breach of the U.S. Constitution. (Something Obama is apparently quite familiar with doing)

The bottom line is that if they can do it to one individual or group, they can do it to EVERY individual and group. Including YOU! Regardless of what you think of the AIG bonuses, the cold hard truth is that if their money can be seized without a trial and by ex post facto law, SO CAN YOURS! PERIOD!

Today it was the bankers. TOMORROW IT'S YOU!

****This discussion has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that Geithner and Dodd KNEW about the bonuses before the bailout was signed, or that the senate voted for it (maybe they should read what they vote for next time). It has everything to do with the fact that Congress just destroyed your right to keep and own personal property and being secure in knowing that it will not be taken from you without due process of law. In essence, WE JUST BECAME IRAN!****

So apparently wanting U.S. immigration law enforced is Anti-American...

(From March 19, 2009)

Ok, so Princess Pelosi said last night that upholding U.S. immigration law is un-American. Don't believe me?

It's right there.

"The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic.""

So let me see: Sneaking into a country illegally, not obeying its laws, leaching off of its citizens and trying to dilute their votes so that they no longer have control of their own country. Yes, that just smacks of patriotism to the core.

So she's exhorting them to be patriotic to a country who's laws they don't even respect because their very presence is illegal. If they were to be patriotic they'd take their illegal asses straight back over the border and get in line like everybody else. No, these are spoiled brats who think the rules don't apply to them and they are a cancer to a free nation. Now if we could just get some chemotherapy, we'd be set.

Guantanamo detainess may be released in the U.S.!!!!

(From March 19, 2009)

Yes, you read that correctly. A.G. Eric Holder said some Gitmo detainees may be released in the U.S. Now doesn't THAT just give you the warm fuzzies?

Meanwhile, he's trying to figure out how to go after people with bailout bonuses that were contractually obligated to them. So let me get this straight: Being paid for doing a job and honoring a contract makes you a bigger criminal than trying to kill U.S. trops in the war on terror?

Oh, let's not forget that he's attempting to tie mexican drug violence to sales of U.S. firearms. In ding so, he's trying to re-enact the so called "assault weapons" ban. (Pardon me but aren't all guns assault weapons? Further, aren't those assault weapons guaranteed by the Second Amendment? What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?)

Perhaps if he would do his job and allow the Border Patrol to shoot on sight, we wouldn't have this invasion of mexican drug cartels wreaking havoc in Houston, Phoenix and other cities in the U.S. Granted, I'm sure part of this is due to the problem with Mexico proclaiming that wherever a Mexican is, there is Mexico. National Security? What?

The point is that they have no reason to stay out. They know we won't do anything to keep them out, and if we throw them out, they can always come back. Oh, and now this - Eric Holder attempting to prevent citizens from being able to adequately defend themselves from violent gangs of organized criminals while refusing to (nor being obligated to under U.S. law) protect the citizens from them.

In other news, Obama is ending armed pilots on airlines.

I hope this little safety update has made you feel more secure in your homes. Remember, Big Brother is watching - so he can pick you up, turn you upside down and shake you till your change falls out, and then turn you over to the school yard bullies to do what they want with you.

Down with Obama and his administration of fools!

The truth behind the AIG bonuses...

(From March 19, 2009)

I'm sure you've all heard the outrage behind the bonuses at AIG. Truth be told, there are a couple things that you are probably unaware of.

So today Obama expressed outrage that AIG employees got bonuses - including employees no longer with the company.

Well, there's only one problem: They were contractually BOUND to be given the bonuses. See, that's what happens when you take it on yourself to bail out private entities with public money. You end up for the frog, warts and all. If they'd never bailed out the company, they wouldn't HAVE to pay the bonuses. Now for a few interesting facts that you won't hear on the nightly news.

1. Tim "Turbo Tax Cheat" Geithner KNEW about the bonuses when he personally structured the original bailouts.,0,6997051.story?page=2&track=rss

That's a far cry from what Obama and his administration said today in the NYT:

2. Obama is criticizing the bonuses but standing behind the guy that knew about and structured the bailout in such a way as to allow them to occur.

(from msnbc)

3. Chairman of the Banking Committee Sen. Chris Dodd is condemning the bonuses but interestingly, he admits to putting in the loophole to allow the bonuses. (I'm sure the fact that he was paid the second most - next to Obama - last year by AIG in campaign contributions had absolutely NOTHING to do with that decision.)

I'm also certain that the fact that he has been given $13M in the past 20 years and $6M in the past two years by financial firms had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that decision.

Wolf Blitzer called him on it. It's fun to watch him do the Senate Shuffle as he dances around the topic.

4. Now Congress is trying to pass essentially a Bill of Attainder (i.e. an Ex Post Facto law) which is expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.

5. Barney Frank is condemning the "greedy" banks for their "risky" behavior, but refuses to acknowledge that the Community Redevelopment Act FORCED banks to make risky loans to people that couldn't afford them. He THEN protected Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac when problems first arose during the Bush Administration. I'm certain the fact that his lover (who happened to be an exec there) had nothing to with him protecting those companies.,2933,432501,00.html

He also praised Franklin Raines for his work at Fannie Mae. Surprise! Surprise! There's no mention by him of the bonuses given by Fannie and Freddie to top employees - even though they were the cause of the bailout!

6. Maxine Waters - who also defended Fannie & Freddie - set up a meeting for a bank (that her husband just HAPPENS to be on the board of directors at) that received $12M.

She also defended Franklin Raines with Barney Frank.

7. Franklin Raines was one of Obama's advisors for his political campaign. What role does he play in all this?

Well simple, he arranged that sweetheart mortgage for Dodd from Countrywide. Oh yeah, and he took Millions in inflated bonuses from Fannie Mae from Enron-style accounting.

8. Jamie Gorelick (Deputy Atty. General under Clinton) was an executive that profited (like Franklin Raines) from Enron-style accounting to the tune of $26M. Further, she was responsible for preventing law-enforcement from sharing data that could've helped prevent the 9/11 attacks. Oh yeah, she was also on Obama's VP search committee.,2933,423701,00.html

So, to conclude: Where does this all lead? This all leads to one, Barack Hussein Obama and his feigned anger at orchestrated deals involving companies receiving taxpayer money that contributed large amounts of money to himself and his buddies, who just HAPPEN to be in charge of regulating them. If we tried this type of thing we would be in jail. Instead, when they try it, they simply pass the blame onto someone else. The buck never stops, until it gets to their wallet.

Obama, Frank, Dodd and Waters are all complicit in the absolute decimation of the stock market, the insane increase in spending and the huge accompanying debt that has been anchored to the next two generations of Americans. These people are despicable, unethical and need to be taken out of office before they can permanently destroy America's economy.

Bottom line: You cannot look at this information and believe anything Obama is saying about this mess. He knew about it. He received lots of money from companies directly affected by it. This is a conflict of interest. Only a staunch kool-aid drinker could palpably think that he actually knew nothing of what was going on. The rest of us can put 2 and 2 together and connect the dots.