Ok, so first, Obama's Treasury Sec. Tim "Turbo Tax Cheat" Geithner created the AIG bailout. Then, they all feigned anger at the executive bonuses. Well that's all fine and dandy, but lets look at the real story.
The real story here is that Sen. Chris Dodd (D) is trying to undo the bonus protections that HE put in the bill in the first place!!!!
Ok, now, I'm sure the fact that Dodd received more from AIG last year than any other Congressman or Senator is of no consequence right? What about the fact that Obama got the second most money from them? Transparency? I think not.
The fact is, Those two received WAY more money than anyone else.
Dodd - $103,100
Obama - $101,332
McCain - $59,499
H. Clinton - $35,965
(That's just the top 4)
Check that out for the full list.
Oh, and that money went almost 4-1 to the Democrats. So now they act all mad when AIG exec's get bonuses? No no. This is more like legalized extortion. After all, the mafia is legal when the government runs the mob. But God forbid if you speak out against them. I mean just look at Joe the Plumber and talk radio... bring on the IRS.
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