I'm sure you've all heard the outrage behind the bonuses at AIG. Truth be told, there are a couple things that you are probably unaware of.
So today Obama expressed outrage that AIG employees got bonuses - including employees no longer with the company.
Well, there's only one problem: They were contractually BOUND to be given the bonuses. See, that's what happens when you take it on yourself to bail out private entities with public money. You end up for the frog, warts and all. If they'd never bailed out the company, they wouldn't HAVE to pay the bonuses. Now for a few interesting facts that you won't hear on the nightly news.
1. Tim "Turbo Tax Cheat" Geithner KNEW about the bonuses when he personally structured the original bailouts.
That's a far cry from what Obama and his administration said today in the NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/200
2. Obama is criticizing the bonuses but standing behind the guy that knew about and structured the bailout in such a way as to allow them to occur.
(from msnbc) http://www.mofopolitics.co
3. Chairman of the Banking Committee Sen. Chris Dodd is condemning the bonuses but interestingly, he admits to putting in the loophole to allow the bonuses. (I'm sure the fact that he was paid the second most - next to Obama - last year by AIG in campaign contributions had absolutely NOTHING to do with that decision.)
I'm also certain that the fact that he has been given $13M in the past 20 years and $6M in the past two years by financial firms had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that decision.
Wolf Blitzer called him on it. It's fun to watch him do the Senate Shuffle as he dances around the topic.
4. Now Congress is trying to pass essentially a Bill of Attainder (i.e. an Ex Post Facto law) which is expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.
5. Barney Frank is condemning the "greedy" banks for their "risky" behavior, but refuses to acknowledge that the Community Redevelopment Act FORCED banks to make risky loans to people that couldn't afford them. He THEN protected Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac when problems first arose during the Bush Administration. I'm certain the fact that his lover (who happened to be an exec there) had nothing to with him protecting those companies.
He also praised Franklin Raines for his work at Fannie Mae. Surprise! Surprise! There's no mention by him of the bonuses given by Fannie and Freddie to top employees - even though they were the cause of the bailout!
6. Maxine Waters - who also defended Fannie & Freddie - set up a meeting for a bank (that her husband just HAPPENS to be on the board of directors at) that received $12M.
She also defended Franklin Raines with Barney Frank.
7. Franklin Raines was one of Obama's advisors for his political campaign. What role does he play in all this?
Well simple, he arranged that sweetheart mortgage for Dodd from Countrywide. Oh yeah, and he took Millions in inflated bonuses from Fannie Mae from Enron-style accounting.
8. Jamie Gorelick (Deputy Atty. General under Clinton) was an executive that profited (like Franklin Raines) from Enron-style accounting to the tune of $26M. Further, she was responsible for preventing law-enforcement from sharing data that could've helped prevent the 9/11 attacks. Oh yeah, she was also on Obama's VP search committee.
So, to conclude: Where does this all lead? This all leads to one, Barack Hussein Obama and his feigned anger at orchestrated deals involving companies receiving taxpayer money that contributed large amounts of money to himself and his buddies, who just HAPPEN to be in charge of regulating them. If we tried this type of thing we would be in jail. Instead, when they try it, they simply pass the blame onto someone else. The buck never stops, until it gets to their wallet.
Obama, Frank, Dodd and Waters are all complicit in the absolute decimation of the stock market, the insane increase in spending and the huge accompanying debt that has been anchored to the next two generations of Americans. These people are despicable, unethical and need to be taken out of office before they can permanently destroy America's economy.
Bottom line: You cannot look at this information and believe anything Obama is saying about this mess. He knew about it. He received lots of money from companies directly affected by it. This is a conflict of interest. Only a staunch kool-aid drinker could palpably think that he actually knew nothing of what was going on. The rest of us can put 2 and 2 together and connect the dots.
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