Ok, so here's the skinny: Obama wants to force private medical companies to pay for veteran's medical insurance. Yeah, I know, it's outrageous.
Don't believe me? There's the story. Read it for yourself.
So, despite all the moral, ethical and Constitutional issues surrounding it (like Obama cares about the Constitution), the fact is that it's completely inconsistent with what he's stated as his goals (or is it?).
Ok, so lets see, he's actually authorized to have a military, which includes soldiers. So unlike welfare and social security, etc... for which there is no Constitutional authority, he is legally able to spend money on the military. So now that he has the authority to send them into harms way, where they bleed and die for the flag - which by the way he refused to salute on the campaign trail - he also has the moral and ethical responsibility to care for them and provide healthcare for their injuries.
I mean, he certainly doesn't mind making employers pay for their employees healthcare and any injuries suffered on the job. Is there all of a sudden a double standard where what's good for the goose isn't sufficient for the gander? He's telling us that the government has a responsiblity to bail out private companies but not care for it's own soldiers? He want's auto manufacturers to increase their costs by millions in order to cave to the unions every demand for healthcare, etc... for its workers - but isn't willing to pay for injuries to his troops? He is the Commander-in-Chief after all... (Oh right, the unions contributed millions to his campaign and the military didn't...silly me.)
Lets put it another way: He want's to provide healthcare for millions of people on welfare who merely sit around on their butts doing nothing, while siphoning off our hard earned tax dollars, but doesn't want to provide healthcare for those who actually earn it by protecting our country and his posh lazy ass sitting in the White House. Right. Because that's ethical.
So while he's in the middle of talking about how government healthcare is the answer, he's busy trying to make government employees (who work under hazardous conditions) use their own private healthcare in order to save the government a few million. (Seems to me he could just cut out all those lazy bums who do nothing useful and take a check - oh right, that's his voting base... my bad). Or perhaps, that $700B we had to spend last year for buying toxic mortgage debt - of which NOT ONE bad mortgage has been bought yet - yeah, we could've just saved that to pay for military healthcare. Oh, then there was that little $1.3T spending package they forced through with less than 48hrs of study - but who's counting?
So why is he doing it? Here's the evil genius of his plan - and it IS insidious - by making military personnel use private healthcare, he will drive the costs of private insurance through the roof. That in turn will cause a groundswell of cries for cheaper insurance - supplied by the government. There you have it - Obama is selling out the troops in order to further his goal of mandatory governmental healthcare. Yeah, told you it was insidious.
But Obama has bigger things to deal with today - i.e. TWO St. Paddies Day parties at the White House!
So here's the deal: I'm getting pretty sick and tired of this lying sack of shit and his ugly pug-faced bitch wife screwing over my country. I'm advocating his removal from office. Yes, you heard me, I'm calling for his removal from office - NOW! This deserves nothing less than impeachment. (Every single one of you that voted for him should feel like suckers - because you are!)
In an ironic twist - after ridiculing McCain for saying the fundamentals of our economy were strong during the campaign trail, AND spending two months crying CRISIS every chance he could - he's now saying how strong the fundamentals of the economy are. The man will say and do anything to get what he wants. In fact he's like the snot nosed brat in your class that you always wanted to pull into the bathroom, throw on the floor and punch in the face repeatedly.
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