Thursday, April 30, 2009

Missouri retracts 3rd Party = terrorist report... : (

(From March 27, 2009)

Well, it appears Missouri has felt the heat and seen the light. They're retracting the report that linked 3rd party supporters to being domestic terrorists. (And just when I was getting ready to have some Don't Tread on Me / Banned in Missouri / Live Free or Die t-shirts printed up...bummer - oh what they heck, I still might print some up).


By Jason Noble | Kansas City Star

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. &madash; The Missouri Highway Patrol this week retracted a controversial report on militia activity and will change how such reports are reviewed before being distributed to law enforcement agencies.

The Highway Patrol also will open an investigation into the origin of the report, which linked conservative groups with domestic terrorism and named former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.

The Highway Patrol’s announcement followed a news conference in which Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, suggested putting the director of public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was produced.

The uproar revolves around a report released last month by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a "fusion center" for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to collaborate on domestic security issues. The report concerned militia movements in Missouri and across the U.S., and described how they had evolved over the last several years.

I'd say government has returned to its senses, but I'm sure it's only a temporary reprieve from what seems to be the madness that strikes any government.

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be labeled terrorists and worse again in the near future. In the meantime, Live Free or Die!

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