Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Gov't power grab over employees this week (i.e. Freedom to Fascism in 7 days)

(From April 1, 2009 - No, not an April Fool's Day Joke... unfortunately)

Ok, so yesterday we woke up to the headline that Obama was making the CEO of GM step down.

Great, so now the government has the power to decide who works where? I'm quite sure THAT'S not ANYWHERE in the Constitution. In fact, it's Fascism - Government control of privately owned companies.

"Wagoner's departure indicates that more management changes may be part of the deal. Wagoner, 56, has repeatedly said he felt it was better for the company if he led it through the crisis, but he has faced sharp criticism on Capitol Hill for what many lawmakers regard as years of missteps, mistakes and arrogance by the Big Three automakers."

Yes, as if it was his fault he had to deal with governmental regulations controlling what types of products to make, how much he had to pay his workers, the fact that he had to use union workers, etc... The fact is that I'm not sure anyone could've done any different given the barrage of Federal Regulations for car manufacturers. (Even Toyota and Honda are asking for bailouts from the Japanese Gov't)


Next the Gov't wants oversight of executive pay at ALL banks, Wall St. firms and possibly other companies.

What possibly gives them the right to do that? Nothing!!!! They have NO RIGHT to arbitrarily determine the salaries of individuals working at private companies!!!!! NONE!!!!

*Take note here: If it can happen to them, it can happen to you!*

Oh, I see. You say: "I'm not an exec at a company." Fine. Have it your way.


Now, Barney "Slobbering Sylvester" Frank drops another bombshell: He wants the ability to determine the salaries of EVERY employee at EVERY company that has taken a bailout. (i.e. The "Pay for Performance Act of 2009")

Now, let's not forget that many banks were FORCED to take the bailout in the first place by Paulson.

Your freedom to earn what you are capable of earning is at stake here folks. This is a shot across the bow of the entire free market system. Not just a shot across the bow, this is Irania speedboats threatening US Warships in the Persian Gulf. This is not a drill! This is clear the decks, prepare for action! This is Pearl Harbor!

The entire American Dream is at stake. I will be listing the home addresses of our elected officials in Washington shortly (hopefully). Feel free to send mail to their homes. Sometimes it has a bit more effect when they realize that not only does the public know where they live, but that they are responsible to them, and will beheld accountable. (Gotta love public campaign its good!) Your freedom is under attack. YOU MUST ACT!!!

I think FDR was one of the WORST presidents in history - with one exception: Fireside chats. I think every elected official should have them with their constituents. *torches and pitchforks optional*

"Melior morior bellator, quam ago profugus." - Better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.

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